Winter Quarter 2020
Final Project
The Fonthill Park Master Plan studies campus and landscape design surrounding existing conditions. The project was an introduction to site design and program analysis through precedent research and site analysis. Bennington College in Vermont and The Woodland Cemetery in Sweden were the precedent studies to understand how to design campuses and the landscape related to them. Bennington Cluster focuses on clustering architecture around the landscape, whereas The Woodland Cemetery utilizes the landscape for views and containment of grave sites.
A site analysis happened to understand the on-site context, site plans, access points, sun angles, and vegetation cover. As a class, we visited Fonthill Park to get an in-person understanding of what the site is like and allowed the ability to take measurements from the ground. After understanding the site conditions, site development began. I located three generic program buildings, but they were not defined.
To understand how to integrate these new buildings into the site, I created two partis to understand different combinations of circulation and site views. As these partis developed, the corresponding master plans allowed for overall site connections. At the end of the term, I decided on one final scheme to understand how to design Fonthill Park, and architectural development followed into Spring Term.